Lucha contra la fatiga y siente cómo tu energía y vitalidad se disparan.
¿Quién no quiere sentirse más joven y tener más energía y resistencia?
La CoQ10 es un nutriente similar a una vitamina que juega el papel principal en la producción de energía dentro de cada célula de su cuerpo. Desafortunadamente, los niveles de CoQ10 en nuestro cuerpo disminuyen a medida que envejecemos. La CoQ10 diaria es la clave para una energía, vitalidad y resistencia naturales duraderas. De hecho, los estudios muestran que un suplemento diario de CoQ10 puede aumentar su energía y resistencia hasta en un 20% en muy poco tiempo.
La CoQ10 es tan poderosa e importante que incluso los médicos convencionales la recetan a sus pacientes. Es uno de los antioxidantes más estudiados. Pero a menos que su CoQ10 se haya fabricado con esta tecnología de absorción de vanguardia, es posible que no vea los beneficios. Hemos formulado CoQ-Max con 100 mg de HydroQsorb®, que es un 300% más absorbible que el CoQ10 normal.
Pero eso no es todo ... para una mayor protección antioxidante y antiinflamatoria adicional, CoQ-Max también incluye 500 mg de Cavacurmin ™, una forma patentada de curcumina que ha demostrado ser hasta 40 veces más absorbible que la curcumina común. La curcumina se ha utilizado durante siglos y tiene más de 150 beneficios para la salud.
CoQ-Max es una fórmula de dúo dinámico que puede ayudar a:
Aumenta tu energía, vitalidad y resistencia.
Reducir los efectos del envejecimiento protegiendo contra el daño de los radicales libres.
Apoya una piel sana y de aspecto más joven
Proporcionar apoyo inmunológico
Apoyar la presión arterial, el colesterol y la función cardíaca en general saludables
Equilibrar la respuesta antiinflamatoria, promoviendo la comodidad y la movilidad.
Agudiza tu mente, memoria y función cognitiva
Haga algo poderosamente simple para su energía, corazón y cuerpo.
Por qué debería probar CoQ-Max:
¿Está buscando un impulso de energía natural y duradero? La mejor manera de hacerlo es alimentar su corazón y nutrir cada célula de su cuerpo con CoQ10 y curcumina. Esta fórmula de doble acción puede brindarle la combinación perfecta de energía y protección antioxidante para una diferencia que puede sentir. Respaldados por literalmente cientos de estudios revisados por pares, estos dos ingredientes son imprescindibles para una energía duradera y una salud cardíaca óptima.
Ingredientes de un vistazo:
HydroQsorb® CoQ10 es una forma de próxima generación de CoQ10 que ha demostrado tener una absorción más del 300% mejor que la CoQ10 ordinaria. La CoQ10 es mejor conocida por respaldar la producción de energía celular, brindar protección antioxidante y respaldar la salud general del corazón.
Cavacurmin ™ es una forma patentada de curcumina que ha demostrado ser 40 veces más absorbible que la curcumina común. La curcumina es ampliamente conocida por brindar protección antioxidante y por respaldar una respuesta inflamatoria equilibrada en todo el cuerpo, lo que brinda muchos beneficios para la salud del corazón, el cerebro, las articulaciones y más.
It’s helping me somewhat but I have to give it some time.
Gena Jennett
I can’t tell if it’s working or not. I haven’t quite been taking it for a month and I was told it takes about a month to really kick in. But I am still taking it every day, so maybe if I write of a review in another month I can give you more of a firm answer.
Lose Weight, Increase Your Energy and Contain Your Appetite Safely
Complete Weight Management is an Easy to Use, 28 Day Diet Program with five products in each daily packet for optimal nutrition and results. This pre-packaged diet program contains 28 one-a-day packets with a blend of scientifically formulated nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Designed to easily help control your appetite, stop food cravings, and maintain good health while you lose weight. Made with all natural, non prescription components, this formula can improve your metabolism of fats and carbohydrates to increase your energy and overall well being.
The program is not restrictive and encourages healthy eating. Foods like vegetables and lean proteins, the reduction of processed foods and other saturated fats help curb your appetite, and increase your mood and energy levels. They are safe to use and contain no harmful side effects. No single food has all the nutrients your body requires. By learning to manage food selection and meal planning you can take charge of your health. This can be achieved with the combination of a good diet and the Complete Weight Management program. Feel better about yourself and take care of your body today.
Complete Weight Management Can Help…
People who find it challenging to lose weight
Anyone wanting to increase their energy and metabolism levels
Provide a starting foundation to any weight loss program
Easily transition from a diet to maintenance program
Physicians who do not currently offer weight loss program
Why you should try Complete Weight Management:
Obesity and being overweight can increase your risk of developing a variety of healthy conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, sleep apnea, and gout. If you have been trying to lose weight the Complete Weight Management program could be the help you need to jumpstart a successful diet program. It's safe and effective and has been designed to help overcome some of the challenges associated with weight loss. The combination is meant to help both the physical and mental hurdles associated with weight management.
Intended to achieve healthy weight loss for 12-14 weeks. If reducing hunger and cravings has been preventing you from losing the weight needed to live a healthy lifestyle then this formula will metabolize carbohydrates and fat to increase your energy levels and help you lose weight. This all natural easy to use program provides everything you need without multiple bottles, to manage appetite control and boost your energy.
Head Hunger: L-Phenylalanine(White Capsule) - Is an amino acid that gets converted to norepinephrine, which works as a neurotransmitter. These can help reduce hunger and create a feeling of joy and make you more alert.
Stomach Hunger: Quick fill Capsules (Red and White Capsules x 3) – This weight loss support has vitamins, minerals, and chromium, meant to help with metabolizing sugars and carbohydrates. It is a bulking agent that helps you feel full and lowers your appetite.
Energy Tablet: Super Energy (Brown Tablet) – Made of Korean Ginseng, Guarana, Potassium Gluconate, Bee Pollen, Niacin, and Folic acid. This combination soothes the intestinal tract, elevates mood, boosts energy levels, and helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Nutritional Support: Cal Mag (White tablet) – Calcium supports heart function, bones, teeth, and nerve transmission. Magnesium supports muscle and nerve functions and the release of energy. This combination provides important nutrients that can be lacking in your diet.
serving Size:
30 min before Breakfast: 1 white oval tablet, one brown and one red/white capsule 30 min. Before Lunch & Dinner: one red/white capsule Evening: one White capsule Each Packet contains: 2 tablets & 4 capsules Servings Per Container: 7 Packets Recommended supplement per day:
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value
White Capsule:
300 mg
Vitamin C
100 mg
Lipotropics - Methionine
2 mg
Pantothenic Acid (B5)
50 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL)
25 mg
Red/White Capsule:
CMC 7Hf Carboxymethylcellulose
170 mg
Vitamin A RAE
510 mcg
Vitamin C
20 mg
Vitamin D
Thiamine HCL (B1)
0.33 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.40 mg
7 mg
44 mg
6 mg
15 mg
100 mcg
In a base of 72 trace minerals
Brown Tablet:
Korean Ginseng
10 mg
Guarana Extract
500 mg
Potassium Gluconate
80 mg
Bee Pollen
100 mg
20 mg
B12 (cyanocobalamin)
100 mcg
Folic Acid
50 mcg.
Vitamin C
50 mg
White Tablet:
Calcium Carbonate
400 mg
Magnesium Oxide
285 mg
Complete Weight Management is made with safe all natural vitamins, nutrients, and minerals designed to help control your appetite, boost your energy, stop cravings, and maintain overall good health while you lose weight.
30 minutes before breakfast: One white oval tablet , one brown tablet , one red/white capsule
30 minutes before lunch & dinner: One red/white capsule
Evening (before bed): One white capsule
Phenylketonuria (PKU) Contains L-Phenylalanine These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are on any medications please consult your physician before using. If you have any adverse reactions please stop immediately and consult your physician.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are on any medications please consult your physician before using. If you have any adverse reactions please stop immediately and consult your physician.
How effective are weight loss pills?
At Newport Natural Health we strive to provide only the best ingredients to our customers. Our Complete Weight Management Pills provide added benefits when used with healthy eating habits and an improved exercise regiment. Please consult a physician before using this product if you are on any medications or medical restrictions.
Can weight loss lower blood pressure?
Losing weight is one of the best ways to reduce your blood pressure. It can lower your systolic and diastolic blood pressure and eliminate your high blood pressure. Controlling high blood pressure can lead to a healthier lifestyle.
How to lose weight without exercise?
There are several things you can do to help eat less calories and help you lose weight. Some recommendations are to chew your food slowly, use smaller plates for less healthy foods, eat more fiber, drink water, and eat smaller portions.
How can I control my appetite?
The best way to balance appetite control is to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, eat more protein and less carbohydrates. Substituting dark chocolate with milk chocolate is a better option as well as filling up on nuts. Reducing stress and drinking green tea can also play an important role in suppressing your appetite.
I'm a long time Newport Natural Health customer and decided try this for the 28 days. Happy to say I lost 15 pounds which is really good for me. I lost 10 in 30 days, and additional 5 over the past 30 days. I intend to use it for a little bit longer. The most helpful was that while taking I definitely wasn't as hungry for snacks during the day.
Detener la micción nocturna, los "goteos" vergonzosos y la urgencia incontrolable
Más del 50% de los hombres de 50 años o más tienen problemas de próstata ... y sus posibilidades de sufrir problemas de próstata solo aumentan a medida que envejece.
El nuevo y mejorado Prostate Plus es una solución para la salud de la próstata de triple acción con ingredientes respaldados por más de 40 estudios clínicos en humanos.
Comenzando con licopeno recién agregado, un carotenoide antioxidante de color rojo intenso que se encuentra en los tomates (y, más abundantemente, en la salsa de tomate caliente). Se ha demostrado que el licopeno reduce el malestar de la próstata, los viajes frecuentes al baño y la urgencia urinaria, al tiempo que mejora su capacidad para "comenzar" cuando es el momento de orinar. También puede ayudar a aumentar el flujo urinario y la fuerza.
También obtiene ling chih, más comúnmente conocido como hongo reishi, que actúa reduciendo la producción de una enzima llamada 5-alfa reductasa. Y los estudios muestran que, después de solo cuatro semanas, Ling Chih condujo a mejoras que fueron un 96% mejores que el placebo.
Mientras que el extracto de palma enana americana, de las bayas maduras del arbusto de palma enana americana, actúa ayudando a reducir la DHT y otra sustancia importante llamada factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGF). En un estudio doble ciego controlado por placebo, el 88% de los pacientes que tomaron este poderoso extracto de bayas informaron que sus síntomas mejoraron o mejoraron mucho.
Prostate Plus puede ayudarlo ...
Duerma profundamente sin tener que ir al baño a altas horas de la noche.
Vacíe su vejiga más completamente, con un chorro fuerte y sin "goteos" vergonzosos
Controle la necesidad de "ir" ya sea que esté en el automóvil, en el cine o en la mesa de la cena
Empiece sin esforzarse ... y termine por completo, sin la menor punzada de incomodidad
Por qué debería probar Prostate Plus:
Los problemas de salud de la próstata son comunes en hombres mayores de 50 años. Pero superar las probabilidades puede ser fácil, porque los ingredientes de esta fórmula patentada están respaldados por investigaciones sólidas. Se ha demostrado que el licopeno, Ling Chih y Saw Palmetto, cada uno en dosis estudiadas clínicamente, ayudan a proteger y respaldar la salud de la próstata al permitirle controlar los impulsos urinarios, "comenzar y detener", y vaciar la vejiga por completo y cómodamente, sin esforzarse .
Ingredientes de un vistazo:
El licopeno es un carotenoide antioxidante rojo que se encuentra en los tomates, la salsa de tomate y otras frutas y verduras rojas. Se ha demostrado que reduce la incomodidad de la próstata, la frecuencia urinaria y la urgencia, al tiempo que mejora el flujo urinario, la fuerza y la comodidad general de la próstata.
El extracto de hongos Ling Chih o Reishi actúa reduciendo la producción de una enzima llamada 5-alfa reductasa. La 5-alfa reductasa convierte la testosterona saludable en dihidrotestosterona (DHT) menos saludable. Los estudios demuestran que, en solo unas pocas semanas, puede ayudar a reducir los viajes nocturnos al baño, fortalecer el flujo urinario y ayudar a vaciar la vejiga más completamente, y ayudarlo a controlar la necesidad de "ir".
La palma enana americana actúa ayudando a reducir la DHT y otra sustancia importante llamada factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGF). Tanto la DHT como el EGF pueden provocar un crecimiento anormal de la próstata, especialmente alrededor de la uretra.
The first recorded use of white willow bark dates back to a 4,000-year-old record extolling the pain-killing effects of a unique type of tree bark. The ancient Greeks, Chinese and Mesopotamians recorded similar stories—defeating pain, inflammation, even cooling fevers with extracts of this seemingly “magical” bark.
And, a 2000 study, published in theAmerican Journal of Medicineconfirms these ancient accounts. Because, the people who used this amazing bark extract saw outstanding, lasting joint comfort starting in as little as one week.
Combined with Cavacurmin™, one of Nature’s most powerful natural anti-inflammatories, this proprietary form of curcumin is up to 40 times easier to absorb than ordinary curcumin. That means you get more joint comfort, flexibility and mobility, FAST.
Plus, UC-II Collagen to help halt the enzymes that can damage joints and kick your body’s cartilage-building processes into high gear—the ingredients in Joint Renewal Plus can help restore comfort while helping rebuild healthy, cushioning joint cartilage from the inside out.
Joint Renewal Plus can help…
Halt joint degeneration and create healthy new cartilage
Improve flexibility and mobility
Alleviate everyday joint aches and discomfort
Promote a normal inflammatory response
Pain is the number one reason for doctor visits. But, all too often people are told that joint discomfort is inevitable—it’s a normal symptom of aging. But research shows that’s a lot of hogwash. Joint Renewal Plus is an extra strength, triple-action joint health supplement that helps soothe your joints and helps the body build healthy new cartilage. It combines UC-II® collagen, Cavacurmin™ and clinically studied white willow bark for more fast-acting relief, helping you do all the activities you love with ease and comfort at any age.
White willow bark extractis a natural source of salicin, used for thousands of years to help provide relief for joint discomfort and inflammation.
Cavacurmin™is a proprietary form of curcumin that’s shown to be 40 times more bioavailable than ordinary curcumin. It can help balance your body’s inflammatory response to improve joint comfort and flexibility.
UC-II collagenis a proprietary form of undenatured collagen derived from chicken cartilage that helps reduce the secretion of enzymes that lead to joint damage, while supporting your body’s own cartilage-building processes.
Fight fatigue and feel your energy and vitality soar
Who doesn't want to feel younger and have more energy and endurance?
CoQ10 is a vitamin-like nutrient that plays the starring role in energy production within every single cell in your body. Unfortunately, CoQ10 levels in our bodies decline as we age. Daily CoQ10 is the key to lasting natural energy, vitality, and endurance. In fact, studies show that a daily CoQ10 supplement can boost your energy and endurance by up to 20% in no time at all!
CoQ10 is so powerful and important, even mainstream doctors are prescribing it to their patients. It’s one of the most highly studied antioxidants. But unless your CoQ10 was made with this cutting-edge absorption technology, you may not be seeing the benefits. We’ve formulated CoQ-Max with 100 mg of HydroQsorb® which is 300% more absorbable than ordinary CoQ10.
But that’s not all...for even greater antioxidant and added anti-inflammatory protection, CoQ-Max also includes 500 mg of Cavacurmin™ -- a proprietary form of curcumin that is proven to be up to 40 times more absorbable than ordinary curcumin. Curcumin has been used for centuries and has over 150 health benefits.
CoQ-Max is a dynamic-duo formulation that can help:
Boost your energy, vitality and endurance
Slow the effects of aging by protecting against free radical damage
Support healthy, younger looking skin
Provide immune support
Support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, and overall heart function
Balance anti-inflammatory response, promoting comfort and mobility
Sharpen your mind, memory and cognitive function
Do something powerfully simple for your energy, heart, and body.
Why you should try CoQ-Max:
Are you looking for a lasting, natural energy boost? The best way to do that is to fuel your heart and nourish every cell in your body with CoQ10 and curcumin. This dual-action formula can give you the perfect combination of energy-fueling and antioxidant protection for a difference you can feel. Backed by literally hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, these two ingredients are must-haves for lasting energy and optimal heart health.
Ingredients at a glance:
HydroQsorb® CoQ10 is a next-generation form of CoQ10 shown to have more than 300% better absorption than ordinary CoQ10. CoQ10 is best known for supporting cellular energy production, providing antioxidant protection, and supporting overall heart health.
Cavacurmin™ is a proprietary form of curcumin that has shown to be 40 times more absorbable than ordinary curcumin. Curcumin is widely known for providing antioxidant protection as well as supporting a balanced inflammatory response throughout your entire body--providing many health benefits to your heart, brain, joints, and more.
Supplement Facts for CoQ-Max with Curcumin
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 vege-caps Servings Per Container: 30 Recommended supplement per day: 2 vege-caps
Other Ingredients: gamma-cyclodextrin, hypromellose, silicon dioxide and L-Leucine.
HydroQsorb® is a registered trademark of Tishcon Corp. It is a microencapsulate of Ubiquinone USP with gamma-cyclodextrin.
Cavacurmin™ is a trademark of Wacker Biosolutions. It is a microencapsulate of Turmeric rhizome extract (Curcuma longa) with gamma-cyclodextrin.
Usage Instructions for CoQ-Max with Curcumin
CoQ-Max with Curcumin contains proprietary, highly bioavailable forms of CoQ10 and curcumin. CoQ10 has been clinically shown to support cardiovascular health and curcumin helps promote a normal inflammatory response.
Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement for adults, take two (2) vege-capsules daily with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional.
This product contains no milk or milk by-products, egg or egg by-products, fish or fish by-products, shellfish or shellfish by-products, tree nuts or tree nut by-products, wheat or wheat by-products, peanut or peanut by-products and soybean or soybean by-products, or sodium.
Gluten free.
CoQ-Max is safe for most people to take. However, if you are pregnant or lactating, consult a health care professional before taking this product.
CoQ-Max should be kept out of the reach of children.
FAQs for CoQ-Max with Curcumin
1. Why did Newport Natural Health create this product?
Newport Natural Health knows that CoQ10 and Curcuminoids are essential antioxidants that are vital for optimal cardiovascular, joint, and overall health. Unfortunately, both of these ingredients are difficult to absorb.
To overcome this challenge, we created CoQ-Max – a unique blend of microencapsulated CoQ10 and Curcuminoids combined with gamma-cyclodextrin. Cavacurmin™ is more than 40 times more absorbable than standard curcumin extracts, while HydroQsorb® is more than 7 times more absorbable than regular CoQ10!
CoQ-Max is an easy way to add effective doses of highly bioavailable CoQ10 and Curcumin to your regimen with only two vege-capsules daily.
2. Who should take this product?
CoQ-Max is designed for anyone looking for extra antioxidant support and highly bioavailable forms of CoQ10 and Curcumin. It is also ideal for anyone eager to normalize their inflammatory responses to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, comfortable joints and age gracefully.
3. What benefits should I expect from this formula?
Combines highly bioavailable forms of CoQ10 and curcumin to promote cardiovascular, joint, and overall health
Contains HydroQsorb® Coenzyme Q10, which has been shown to be 7 times more absorbable than regular CoQ10
Contains Cavacurmin™ Curcuminoids Complex, which was shown in a small human clinical to be more than 40 times more absorbable than regular curcumin powder
Provides antioxidant protection against free radical damage
Supports healthy aging
Promotes cardiovascular health
May help to maintain cellular health
Helps promote joint health
Helps to support the body’s natural detoxification processes
Helps promote normal inflammatory response
Supports increased cellular energy production in the mitochondria
Helps enhance physical energy and stamina
Helps maintain normal blood pressure levels
Helps support immune health
Supports overall cardiovascular health and function
Maintains cellular membrane integrity
Provides antioxidants that help protect the cardiovascular system and maintain normal mitochondrial functioning
4. What are the ingredients and what are they good for?
Per 2 vege-caps
HydroQsorb® Coenzyme Q10 (as ubiquinone)
100 mg
Ubiquinone is a coenzyme found naturally in the body that enhances cellular energy by giving the mitochondria the fuel they require to make energy.
CoQ10 increases cellular oxygen uptake.
CoQ10 helps increase mitochondrial cellular energy, giving you more energy.
Supports cardiovascular health by helping to promote normal blood pressure levels and heart function.
May help support normal cholesterol levels.
CoQ10 is also a powerful antioxidant that helps scavenge free radicals, and is especially beneficial for the heart, as this muscle contains more mitochondria than any other organ, and consumes a high level of energy.
HydroQsorb® combines CoQ10 with gamma-cyclodextrin, a type of glucose molecule with a hydrophobic (fat loving) center and a hydrophilic (water loving) exterior. It essentially binds to and wraps around the CoQ10, allowing it to become water dispersible, making it easier to absorb.
A human clinical trial indicates that HydroQsorb® is up to7 times more bioavailable than standard CoQ10.
Turmeric root is traditionally used in India and South-East Asia to alleviate aches and pain.
Curcuminoids are the active components of turmeric; however they are large, fat-soluble molecules that are difficult to absorb orally.
Cavacurmin™ Turmeric Curcuminoids Complex® combines turmeric root extract with gamma-cyclodextrin, a type of glucose molecule with a hydrophobic (fat loving) center and a hydrophilic (water loving) exterior. It essentially binds to and wraps around the curcuminoids, allowing them to become water dispersible and easier to absorb.
A small, human clinical trial indicates that Cavacurmin™ Curcuminoids Complex is more than 40 times more bioavailable than standard curcumin.
Curcumin helps to promote a normal inflammatory response, and preliminary evidence suggests that curcumin may help to support optimal cardiovascular, mental, and overall health.
Preliminary evidence also suggests that curcumin may promote phase II-metabolizing enzymes, which supports liver detoxification. This helps the body rid itself of waste, which may play a role in accelerated aging.
Ingredient Facts
5. Are there any ingredient standardizations?
HydroQsorb® is a microencapsulated form of ubiquinone USP with gamma-cyclodextrin.
Cavacurmin™ is a microencapsulated form of Turmeric rhizome extract with gamma-cyclodextrin, containing 14% curcuminoids
6. Is the formula Kosher?
7. Is the product suitable for vegetarians?
8. Is the formula free of common allergens?
This product contains no milk or milk by-products, egg or egg by-products, fish or fish by-products, shellfish or shellfish by-products, tree nuts or tree nut by-products, wheat or wheat by-products, peanuts or peanut by-products, or soy or soy by-products.
CoQ-Max is naturally gluten free. It contains no artificial colors or preservatives. This product is also sugar free.
9. What excipients or "other ingredients" are used in this product?
Gamma-cyclodextrin, hypromellose, silicon dioxide and L-Leucine.
Safety Concerns
10. Are there any side effects associated with this product?
There are no known side effects associated with this product. However, as with any food product, there may be infrequent and unusual highly sensitized reactions associated with this or any other nutritional supplement. If such a reaction occurs, you should consider discontinuing use of this or any product.
11. Are there any potential warnings, reactions, or contraindications, with this product and any other medications?
CoQ-Max is safe for most people to take. However, if you are pregnant or lactating, consult a health care professional before taking this product.
This product should be kept out of the reach of children.
12. Can I take this product with Newport Natural Health’s other recommended nutritional supplements?
Yes, CoQ-Max is designed to be taken with all of the products in the Newport Natural Health line.
13. How should I store the product?
To preserve the quality and freshness of this product, keep the bottle tightly closed, and store it in a cool, dry place.
14. Is this product tested for lead, mercury, and other heavy metals?
Every batch of CoQ-Max is tested for lead and heavy metals. Each batch is delivered to Newport Natural Health with a Certificate of Analysis from the manufacturer stating that the products are free from heavy metals or within the limits set by California’s Proposition 65 – the most stringent in the country.
15. Is this product tested for microbiological contamination?
Product safety is paramount to Newport Natural Health. Every batch of CoQ-Max is tested for microbiological contamination to prevent consumer exposure to harmful pathogens and food borne illnesses.
Each batch is delivered to Newport Natural Health with a Certificate of Analysis from the manufacturer showing that the products are free from harmful pathogens (Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas), and that the yeast, mold and total plate counts are below the levels set by the USP (United States Pharmacopeia) – one of the most rigorous microbial limits in the USA.
Suggested Use
16. How and when should I take this product?
Take two (2) vege-caps daily with a meal, or as directed by a medical professional.
17. How many tablets are in the bottle?
60. Taken as recommended, each bottle is a 30 day supply of the supplement.
Feel new levels of drive, endurance, and confidence for amazing sex
Enhanced Male is a powerful natural way to roll back the clock on your sexual prowess—by 10, 15, even 20 years—transforming your sex drive, energy, and endurance.
Research shows that an extract from the roots of the ancient Indian shrub, ashwagandha, can boost your testosterone levels by more than 130% in as little as 8 weeks. Plus, we’ve added 3 other powerful ingredients for more strength, more energy, and more endurance.
Enhanced Male can help:
Boost testosterone for masculine confidence, endurance, and drive
Build stronger, leaner muscles, helping you look and feel confident
Support natural, lasting erections; sexual arousal; and libido
Why you should try Enhanced Male:
Sex is a natural part of life—and studies show that having a healthy sex life can have a powerful impact on your overall health and longevity. Healthy sex doesn’t have to decline as we age. It’s very common for men, well into their 70s and 80s, to maintain an interest in sex—they just don’t always have the drive, energy, or erectile stamina. So, here’s a natural way for men, at any age, to boost their drive and stamina while making sure their testosterone levels are in a healthy range, so they’re always ready to perform.
What people are saying about Enhanced Male:
“ My workouts are easier to do and this product has enhanced my sexual performance. I am very satisfied with this product and would greatly recommend it to my friends.” —James, TX
Ingredients at a glance:
Ashwagandha (KSM-66® full-spectrum extract) has been shown to help boost testosterone levels by up to 130% while helping to increase muscle size and strength.
L-citrulline helps the body produce l-arginine, a powerful vasodilator that can help open the blood vessels in the penis for stronger more reliable erections.
FruiteX-B® is a proprietary form of organic boron shown to help boost testosterone levels and protect prostate health naturally.
Rhodiola has been shown to help boost endurance by up to 25% while reducing stress and improving your mood.
Supplement Facts for Enhanced Male
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 3 Tablets Servings Per Container: 30 Recommended supplement per day: 3 Tablets