How to Cure Blocked Swollen Lymph Nodes

Maybe you’ve already seen them–the signs that pop up outside pharmacies and clinics this time of year, urging you to get a flu shot.

I’ve written before about the risks and dangers of flu vaccines, as well as the fact that these shots are largely ineffective for anyone over the age of 65.

That said, I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of protecting yourself against the flu. It’s a miserable experience. But you can avoid winter colds and flu–if your immune system is fully charged and ready for action.

One excellent way to prepare for this season’s onslaught of germs is by shoring up that immune system. Where to begin? I recommend starting with your lymphatic system.

Illustration of the lymph system

What Causes Blocked Lymph Nodes?

Overworked and under-appreciated, the lymph system is an extensive network of fluid (known as lymph), plus some 500 to 600 glands, vessels, and organs that provide your immune system with a way to flush waste material from the body.

When your lymph system is in top working order, it quietly removes toxins, dead cells, and even cancer cells from your body. It also traps and destroys bacteria and viruses before they can make you sick.

The only drawback to the lymph system is that it has no “pump” to move the lymph fluid through your body. So it relies on your activity to keep everything moving.

If you’re not much of a “mover and shaker” these days–in other words, if you’re sedentary—lymph nodes can become swollen and blocked. And that prevents the system from working properly.

How to Find Blocked Lymph Nodes

When the lymph system is blocked, two things happen, and neither of them is good.

First, the much needed, infection-fighting substances in your body are trapped, so they can’t destroy germs. At the same time, cell-nourishing elements can’t get into your bloodstream.

Many times, you can feel these blockages in areas of the body where lymph nodes are located.

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A healthy lymph node should feel soft and small, less than half an inch wide. You should be able to move it around. Blocked and swollen lymph nodes tend to feel hard and may be larger than a healthy node. Sometimes they are tender to the touch or seem as though they are connected to the skin.

Those blockages need to be released, so your system can get rid of the accumulated toxins and other waste material.

How to Cure Blocked and Swollen Lymph Nodes

First, start with regular exercise, like a daily brisk walk or jog. Spending 20 to 30 minutes daily on a mini-trampoline is another option.

Or try skipping rope or doing jumping jacks to get the lymph flowing. Dancing, swimming, playing tennis, and walking up and down a flight of stairs are other possibilities.

But for some of my patients, especially those who have a chronic illness or are in recovery, even gentle workouts are difficult. And that’s why I consider lymph-stimulating technology to be a lifesaver.

At my clinic, we combine therapeutic massage for swollen lymph nodes, which manually stimulates the lymphatic system, with a non-invasive device known as the Light Beam Generator (LBG).

The LBG uses extremely low electrical current and negatively charged light beams called photons to clear blocked areas in the lymphatic system.

This method of combining hands-on therapy with technology is ideal for more than stimulating the lymph and immune systems. I recommend the combination for patients with:

  • Diabetes
  • Edema
  • Sciatica
  • Breast conditions
  • Fibrocystic disease
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Arthritis, bursitis, and other inflammatory conditions
  • Pre- and post-op surgical recovery

There’s no need to wait until flu season is in full swing. Start reinforcing your immune system now.

Ask your physician or health-care practitioner about prescribing lymph massage therapy as part of your medical treatment, if it’s appropriate.

After a few sessions, my patients thank me for the recommendation, even the ones who are skeptical at first. As one said, “I wasn’t convinced until the day after my first appointment. My joint pain was so much better, I called and made a second appointment right away.

“I hadn’t felt that good in years. And if it helps me stay healthy all winter, even better!”


Last Updated: August 16, 2018
Originally Published: September 30, 2014